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Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Say yes to the dress..." BROOKE STYLE :)

Ok everyone! I work at Maurices (a womens clothing store) and we got this VERY CUTE/DRESSY dress in, about a week ago. I love it, but the problem is where to wear it? Of course I tried it on...heres the pic:

I would totally buy it, but it looks very "homecoming" dressy. I'm in college so we don't have dances anymore.
Would you wear this dress?

*I am not being paid to show you this dress.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Update on my life: I GOT IN!!!!

*Just wanted to start off by saying I HAVE NOT FORGOT ABOUT MY BLOG!! I am so sorry I have been too busy to blog, but I have DEF not forgot about it & I have missed everyone! :)

Ok, on to the update! So I'm going to tell you guys the whole story, so it may be a little lengthy. I attend a technical college, and last year (Aug, '10) after I finished all of my core classes, I applied for the program Vascular Technology (which is ultrasound of the veins). You pretty much have to have a 4.0 to get in, and there was 8 of us going for 1 spot (that's another long story haha). Needless to say my 3.5 GPA wasn't good enough. 

I started looking over my options because I'm not getting any younger, and I really needed to get into a program. There was program at the same school as mine, just on a campus an hour away, called Invasive Cardiovascular Technology. It accepted 11 students every fall (as most programs do), so I applied for it in September '10 (the next acceptance date was Aug '11, so I was getting a "head start.") The program required 2 classes that I had not yet taken, and I was also told to re-take all of the B's I had, so that way I was guaranteed a spot. ...So I did ALL that. My final GPA for the CVT program was around a 3.7. 

SO, last week on July 15th, I received a letter in the mail. I thought it was my ACCEPTANCE letter, but when I opened it, I was definitely wrong. The letter read (and this is word for word):
" Dear Brooke: Our records indicate that you have declared Cardiovascular Technology (CVT) degree as your major. In light of the economic conditions facing the Technical College System of Georgia, Colleges have been reviewing program viability. As part of this process, GNTC is closing the CVT program. We will not admit anymore students into this program. We would like to offer your guidance in another career path at the college..." the letter went on to give names and phone numbers of people who "may could help me."
1ST OF ALL, NO APOLOGY?! I have been working towards this program for another year, and I get no apology?! I called both the numbers listed on the letter, there was pretty much NOTHING they could do for me. Needless to say, I was balling my eyes out, making 1000 phone calls. I was suppose to be at work 1-10 that day. I called my boss and told her my situation, & told her I needed to go apply for other schools ASAP because I had technically already missed the fall deadlines. She told me I could come in later, so off I went to apply to a community college in my town. I was prepared to pretty much start ALL OVER, which was really devastating to me. 

2 days later I receive a phone call for the Dean of my school. He said he had some good news, but only for me. He said the looked over all 13 of the applicants to the CVT program, and I was most qualified. He then went on to tell me, that they made 1 spot in the Vascular program and I GOT IT!!!!!!! The ONLY down side to it, is since they added me in so late, that the only place for me to do my clinicals was 3 hours away from my house in another state! Of course I said YES no matter what, I would do ANYTHING to be in, but I am VERY WORRIED about what I am going to do, come second semester (January '12) and I have to start driving to another state 3-4 days a week. 

Now, the dean did tell me that they NEVER end with as many people as they start with. He said the program is VERY hard. A lot of people drop out, they can't handle it, they get pregnant, etc. If this happens, I may can get a closer clinical site. Of course that made me nervous. I hope its not to hard for me. He said it is a lot of physics :\. He also said he recommend that I NOT have a job. As some of you may know, I have 2 jobs and I work almost everyday. I have already talked to my boss at my main job about it, and she said depending on my availability, I may have to step down (I am a manager). That's the last thing I need, a pay cut.

So with all that said, that's why I haven't been blogging much lately. Between working 8 days straight, applying for other schools, talking to my school, etc, I feel like a rag doll! I hope you all understand! This is the best news EVER! In 21 months I will have a degree and be making REAL MONEY! (Not that I am not making real money now, but I am a retail manager & a nanny...ya know?) I know I am going to be STRESSED out to the MAX pretty much the whole time. I already have tons of anxiety (that I may go to a doctor about, because with all this added stress, I hope I can handle mom has a lot of anxiety too), so I hope I can make it through! SCHOOL STARTS AUGUST 22, 2011!!

I hope this wasn't TOO long (...YA RIGHT!) :) If you read it all the way through give yourself a pat on the back! HEHE! :)  See yall later!
p.s. Sorry for the weird, white background. Don't know how to remove it?! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Beauty Would You Rather Tag 2011

Hey everyone!
I saw this tag on vintagemakeup's blog page! It looked fun, so here goesssssss!

-Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eye liners, lipsticks and lip glosses or lose all of your palettes and eye shadows?
I would rather lose all of my palettes and eye shadows because I wear mascara EVERYDAY and I don't have a palette with mascara in it!

-Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again?
Never be able to cut it again.

-Would you rather have a coral cheek or a pink cheek?

-If you had $1000 to spend, would you rather buy clothes or makeup?
Can I say BOTH? ...oh I cant? Ok, clothes...but it won by just a smidge!

-Would you rather apply lipstick as eyeliner or eyeliner as lipstick?
Eyeliner as lipstick.

-Would you rather only shop at MAC or Sephora?
Sephora ALL DAY!

-Would you rather use only one eye shadow color or one lip color the rest of your life?

-Would you rather wear winter clothes in the summer or summer clothes in the winter?
Summer clothes in the winter. Im always hot! HAHA!

-Would you rather have dark nails or bright nails all year round?

-Would you rather only be able to wear your hair in a pony tail or a messy bun?
Messy bun...that's my everyday hair style already!

-Would you rather never be able to paint your nails again or never use lip gloss?
Never be able to paint your nails :(. I love lip gloss too much.

-Would you rather shave your eyebrows and have none at all? Or sharpie them in everyday?
Sharpie, duh! lol!

-Would you rather live without makeup or nail polish?
Nail polish, for sure!

Friday, July 15, 2011

My Dermatologist Follow-Up: Accutane?

Hello everyone!
So, yesterday I went to my dermatologist for my 3 month follow up appointment! Please read my acne blog post  to get the full story. I am sad to say that I am disappointed. None of the things she prescribed me worked...not even the antibiotic. To make a long story short, she said we have tried all options, and the only thing left to try is accutane.
Now, I have heard A LOT of bad things about accutane (birth defects, suicide, depression, etc), so my automatic reaction was NO! She said she wanted to do a low dose, because my acne isn't horrible, like some people who try accutane. After talking about it, the thing that really swayed me to say no was the monthly check ups & blood work. First of all, my co pay is $40...THAT'S A LOT OF MONEY TO PAY A MONTH (for me)! Second, I have a serious phobia of needles, and I honestly just don't want to have blood work done every month. Lastly, WHO KNOWS how much accutane actually cost. We did not discuss that.
My acne really bothers me on a day-to-day basis, but with all the risks accutane presents, I think I'd rather not. I will keep trying different things from the drug stores. I really want to buy the Olay Pro X system. I've heard great things about it. I also may try some Cetaphil products.
I will keep you guys updated on what works/does not work for me. I know a lot of people have the same acne issues as me, and I know it is very frustrating! Let me just tell you, DO NOT GIVE UP! My skin was CLEAR for 3 years, so I know it is possible. Also, yall keep me updated on any good acne products. I am always willing to try them!
Thanks to everyone who has been following me on this. If you have any suggestions, questions, etc, please let me know!! Talk to you in my next post<3

Monday, July 11, 2011

Mani and Pedi of the day!

Hey everyone!!
Sorry I have been MIA here lately! In the past month, I've had just a few off days total, and that has left me with no time to blog! Here is a mani and pedi I did recently! Hope you guys like it! :)

Sally Hansen: Mint Sorbet; Wet N Wild: Party of Five Glitters

(I know this is hard to see)
China Glaze: Flip Flop Fantasy (HOT PINK; I realize
this looks orange); The stripes were done with a black nail art brush
(I blogged about a few posts ago!CLICK ME) I did use a white base under the FFF polish,because it is such a neon pink that
it helps it go on much better.
I hope you guys try this!! I have gotten a lot of compliments on it, and it took no time! Have a great day! :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011



-what to do:
  1. Link back to the person who passed you the award
  2. Complete the form below
  3. Share 7 random things about yourself
  4. Award 10 blogs
**THANKS SO MUCH TO marlaandmakeup FOR TAGGING ME!**


FAVORITE SONG: I don't really have a favorite song. My favorite artist's are Carrie Underwood, Sugarland, and Drake. What a combo! HAHA!

FAVORITE DESSERT: Anything chocolate!! 

WHAT GETS YOU MAD: When someone has their windshield wipers on and its not raining!


YOUR FAVORITE PET: My cat LEXI! I show him in my second blog post, I believe!


YOUR BIGGEST FEAR IS: Losing someone close to me that I love.


EVERYDAY ATTITUDE: Happy and loud! :)

WHAT IS PERFECTION: Perfection is seeing someone who is not perfect, perfectly. 

  • Im 21, but I act like Im 50 :\
  • One of my fave youtube gurus is MissJenFabulous
  •  Im obsessed with nail polish, but I suck at painting my nails
  • I work in a clothing store, but my since of style kinda sucks :[
  • I only wear makeup on days I have to work, or go some where important.
  • I am a control freak!!

  1. makeupdiary
  2. bellaglambrunette
  3. grace-and-beauty
  4. vibrantbrush
  5. vintagemakeup
  6. Amarixe
  7. nailsbykatevergara
  8. wifezillahekela
  9. sweetashoney2
  10. punchypink87